To write, or not to write...
I've always loved writing. I was one of the weird students who enjoyed writing assignments. I even received awards for my short stories. I tried college and it wasn't my thing. So please excuse any grammatical errors :)
Since having children, I've had ideas for books, written down my thoughts, but being a mother and a wife has kept me too busy for much more.
When blogs became popular, I wanted my to start my own, but didn't think many people would care about my life as a mom of 5 kids. I did eventually start one, mainly to keep faraway family updated. Plus it gave me a small taste of what I had been missing. If you notice my numbers, this is my 5th post in 2 years. Surely you'd think running a large family would have lots of great stories to share, and it does. But getting time to myself is hard. Who would've thought, right???
So why am I starting this blog again? Because I can and I need something for me. I need to write. I need to share. If people like my stories, that's wonderful and if they don't, that's ok also.
But one day I won't be able to remember much and this way my children, my grandchildren, even maybe my great-grandchildren will see this and it will spark something in them that they need to share.
My point to all this rambling is this- If you feel the need to write, to create, to share; then please do. Even if you are the only person that sees it, sometimes it's just what you need.
Since having children, I've had ideas for books, written down my thoughts, but being a mother and a wife has kept me too busy for much more.
When blogs became popular, I wanted my to start my own, but didn't think many people would care about my life as a mom of 5 kids. I did eventually start one, mainly to keep faraway family updated. Plus it gave me a small taste of what I had been missing. If you notice my numbers, this is my 5th post in 2 years. Surely you'd think running a large family would have lots of great stories to share, and it does. But getting time to myself is hard. Who would've thought, right???
So why am I starting this blog again? Because I can and I need something for me. I need to write. I need to share. If people like my stories, that's wonderful and if they don't, that's ok also.
But one day I won't be able to remember much and this way my children, my grandchildren, even maybe my great-grandchildren will see this and it will spark something in them that they need to share.
My point to all this rambling is this- If you feel the need to write, to create, to share; then please do. Even if you are the only person that sees it, sometimes it's just what you need.
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