Am I ready to rejoin the work force?

I've been at my current job for 11 years, 2 months, 2 weeks and 6 days... I don't get paid, there are no vacation days, no sick days and definitely no overtime pay. But it has been the most fun, rewarding, never boring job I have ever had. I'm a mom, but not just a mom. I'm the CEO, CFO, alarm clock, chef, seamstress, maid, janitor, handy-man, personal assistant, chauffeur, nurse, teacher, police officer, judge and jury. As busy as I am and as happy as I am, I still feel like I'm missing something. I volunteer as much as I can outside the home, at the kid's school, at church, or with my Mops group. But it still doesn't feel like I'm getting what I need. Do I sound selfish yet??? What I miss is working outside the home. It may sound crazy, but yes, I miss working. I miss talking with other adults, using my brain for something other than remembering when Zach's favorite cartoons will be on, how many loa...