To write, or not to write...
I've always loved writing. I was one of the weird students who enjoyed writing assignments. I even received awards for my short stories. I tried college and it wasn't my thing. So please excuse any grammatical errors :) Since having children, I've had ideas for books, written down my thoughts, but being a mother and a wife has kept me too busy for much more. When blogs became popular, I wanted my to start my own, but didn't think many people would care about my life as a mom of 5 kids. I did eventually start one, mainly to keep faraway family updated. Plus it gave me a small taste of what I had been missing. If you notice my numbers, this is my 5th post in 2 years. Surely you'd think running a large family would have lots of great stories to share, and it does. But getting time to myself is hard. Who would've thought, right??? So why am I starting this blog again? Because I can and I need something for me. I need to write...