Happy Sunday

I apologize for not posting yesterday. My oldest daughter had her first sleepover this weekend and I had no idea how much energy it took to keep a 10 year old and an almost 10 year old busy. We watched movies, played Wii, ate junk food, made crafts, did make-overs and painted our nails. Stick a fork in me, I am D-O-N-E, done. But I have to say I am so glad my oldest daughter has finally found a good friend in our new town. They are both very sweet, extremely smart, comedic and very unique young ladies. My daughter is somewhat awkward socially. I fear I didn't teach her the appropriate skills needed while we were homeschooling. We were around other homeschooling families and other children at church, but even then she had trouble being included and didn't notice when other kids were being mean and purposely excluding her. But her new friend compliments her well and I see lots of memori...